Saturday, April 25, 2009

Unemployment – The effect of making life simple!

Recession is on the high… And today, when I was on my way back home… I had this sudden thought cross my mind… “What really causes unemployment??? “… There are two aspects to it...

1. There are enough people, but lack of jobs…

2. There are enough jobs, but lack of talent…

And today there is unemployment as a result of both the above reasons… (Maybe are even more...)Let us take the first one (there are enough people, but lack of jobs) But, ages ago did unemployment prevail because of this??... Weren’t enough jobs available…?? I don’t think so…

In those days even Pigeons were getting pension!! J They were used for sending and receiving messages… Also, other animals like Elephant, horses, donkeys had an active role to play… And so did humans… J People then started on the path of innovation… Let’s imagine how things would have gone about!!

One fine day, someone found an alternative to send messages… All pigeons lost their jobs… A massive lay off was announced… The pigeons out of depression started to boose... And one such depressed pigeon dropped shit on the Kings head… The furious King ordered all the pigeons to be caged!!! J And also ate that pigeon that dropped shit on his head!! J

Today, one can find a number of instances of such activities which once were done manually have been automated… Technology is being used to make our life simpler... And yes, it indeed has made it simpler…Ofcourse, now you can claim that the same technology is also opening up job opportunities… But, how far can it go?? How much more simpler can ones life become?? Beyond making it simpler… It has introduced a number of other problems… It has made people lazy, and also dumb in some cases… Also has negatively influenced the environment… Causing pollution, global warming, etc. etc… And which in turn affects the living beings...

So, what initially seemed to make life simple has actually made it difficult in the end...Similarly, what initially seemed to open up job opportunities, is eventually going to cause unemployment in the end...So, is such advancement really required?? At some point of time will somebody draw a line and say that “Making life more simpler… would only result in loosing our natural instincts and forgetting who we are…”

May be in future there would be a day… Where the only duty of a person is to be BORN! JFor everything else there would be technology... There would be gadgets for emotions!! J And humans would be confined to one closed chamber which can go anywhere and get anything... The individual would be devoid to live his/her own life and technology would live the individual’s life… J

Henceforth, technology would be called as him/her and we human beings would be called as It. J


PS : This is my first post.. Please comment!


  1. Barely credible.. fabulous job raghav..!!its mythical..!! :)keep blogging..!!

  2. this is amazingly beautiful effort in recapturing the significance of life over being handicap on technology. but i would say technology can definitely help to make this life beautiful but if we use it to replace our basics of life then it causes a problem.
    moreover when you talk abt technology created pollution i think its a byproduct of greed in mind rather that technology :)
    take other stand then i will say depend who uses technology like someone like devotee or spiritual master like Guruji H H sri sri ravi shankar when he uses technology to spread the knowledge then it help humans (art of living course over 160+ countries) as well as it help environment also (mission green earth so technology is not an enemy but greedy mind is enemy lazy mind is enemy, i perceive that if there is heaven there is more adv technology than here thats why more comforts we heard abt there now the condition to enter to heaven is "your mind has to be pure" and since anybody who enter the heaven has a pure mind so they dont mis-use the technology rather use technology to make the things better :)

